President's Welcome Message

Welcome to the Rotary of Griffin, Georgia Website.

The Rotary Club of Griffin held its first meeting on March 7, 1924. I am honored to be the 100th president of this club.

We meet at noon every Thursday at First Baptist Church on Taylor Street in Griffin for fellowship, conducting the business of the club and for interesting and informative programs dealing with topics of local and global importance. We are comprised of dedicated members who live or work in Griffin and surrounding areas. Membership is by invitation and reflects a wide cross-section of community representation. We welcome new members and strive to expand our club. We practice, as do all Rotary clubs, a 4-way test that governs our ethical standards in the club operation, in our businesses and in our personal relationships. We include families and friends in our functions and events and hold several Fellowship Events throughout the year for Rotarians to socialize with other members. We are apolitical and are color blind and non-sectarian. The Rotary Club of Griffin supports the Rotary Foundation of Rotary International (RI), the Polio Plus Campaign, and many local charitable organizations. We strive to make Rotary fun! We have our serious side, but club projects are fun, social activities are fun and service to the community is fun.

Thank you for visiting our website.  If you are interested in learning more about Rotary, please come and join us at a future meeting.

William P. Wilson, Jr.
100th President
Rotary Club of Griffin

Griffin Rotary Blog

Stories about Rotary as told by our membership.

Carrying on a Tradition of Service

My father was a Rotarian and a former President of the Spring Lake, MI, Rotary Club. I remember occasionally going to meetings with him as a child. Twice our family hosted Rotary students (one from Finland and the other from Germany) when I was in high school. When I became involved in the Rotary Club of Griffin as an adult, I felt like … [more]

Posted by Stephen Mulder
Rotary Club of Griffin
February 12, 2017 5:55pm

One only need look at the membership

To understand the Rotary Club of Griffin, one only needs to look at the membership. Service above self is seen in the everyday lives of the men and women that comprise this club. Every member is plugged into and active in most every aspect of Griffin, Georgia. From church committees to youth groups to community outreach, Griffin Rotarians … [more]

Posted by Jeff Jacobs
Rotary Club of Griffin
February 7, 2017 1:44pm

I'm Very Proud to be Associated

Rotary’s motto Service above Self can be traced back to the very beginning of Rotary when Arthur F Sheldon addressed the first convention of Rotary in Chicago. Sheldon stated in his speech to the attendees, “only the science of right conduct towards others pays.Business is the science of human services.He profits most who serves his fellows … [more]

Posted by Corey Letson
Rotary Club of Griffin
December 13, 2016 9:00am

A Sense of Belonging

Growing up in Griffin, I knew Rotary mainly through the programs and events they sponsored, as well as Interact. I knew that they did great things in the community, but not much about the group itself. It took joining the Club to understand how the motto of Service above Self plays out in practice in the day-to-day actions of my fellow Rotarians … [more]

Posted by Natalie Marshall
Rotary Club of Griffin
October 27, 2016 3:08pm

Rotary is a large part of my Life

Rotary came into my life at a young age with the Rotary Boys Choir - sponsored by the club and directed by Mrs. Gretchen Cummings and accompanied by Mrs. Emily Harris, pianist. I thought it was wonderful that the Rotarians, a great group of respected community and civic leaders, would sponsor us. Later, I enjoyed visiting the club as a Student Rotarian … [more]

Posted by Dick Brooks
Rotary Club of Griffin
October 2, 2016 9:09pm
More Stories …

End Human Trafficking


End Polio Now

Since 1985, Rotary has invested hundreds of millions of dollars in the effort to rid the world of the polio virus.

Wild Polio Cases