I'm Very Proud to be Associated

Rotary’s motto Service above Self can be traced back to the very beginning of Rotary when Arthur F Sheldon addressed the first convention of Rotary in Chicago. Sheldon stated in his speech to the attendees, “only the science of right conduct towards others pays.Business is the science of human services.He profits most who serves his fellows best.” For almost 100 years Rotary Club of Griffin has been doing just that. We have many initiatives that the club is involved in from the eradication of the horrible disease Polio and ending child trafficking to more local projects that support the needs of our community. In every instance to accomplish our goal of improving the lives of others it takes leadership.

Our club is not short of leaders who take Rotary’s motto to heart and give their time, money, and expertise to help those that need it most. I’m very proud to be associated with these leaders that collectively make up Rotary Club of Griffin.

Posted by Corey Letson
December 13, 2016 9:00am
