Rotary Club Central vs. Rotary6900.org

I have had some questions on updating goals on Rotary Club Central versus updating them on rotary6900.org. You will eventually have to enter your goals into Rotary Club Central. However, Rotary is planning on releasing a newer/faster/better version of Rotary Club Central in July. My advice is to not worry about Rotary Club Central until the new system has been in place for a little while. Get your goals and plans all lined up in rotary6900.org now. Then update Rotary Club Central this summer once your plans are final and the new Rotary Club Central has proven itself. See below for a recent message I received from Rotary on this topic.

A new and improved Rotary Club Central will make its debut in July. To meet Rotarians’ growing needs, the updated platform will be more robust, with improved functions for goal reporting and a better user experience through faster, easier navigation. Other new features include:

  • A modern interface
  • Access on your mobile device
  • Easy-to-read charts and graphs to present past and current club data
  • The ability to enter giving goals for The Rotary Foundation in local currency
  • An improved, simplified way to track service activity
  • Easier access to data for viewing goal progress districtwide

Rotary Club Central will continue to be an essential tool for clubs to plan and track membership initiatives, service activities, and Foundation giving, in addition to goals specifically for the Rotary Citation.

All data now in Rotary Club Central will automatically move to the new platform. Clubs and districts will not lose any past or current data because of the upgrade. As the start date approaches, we will provide training materials for you and your club officers.

Posted by Alec Smythe
May 25, 2017
