Club News
North Fulton Rotary Provides CPR and AED Training

After receiving a competitive grant from District 6900, Rotary Club of North Fulton is making great strides in bringing awareness to the importance of CPR training and AED use in the North Fulton Community. Working together with the Alpharetta Public Safety Department, the Milton Fire-Rescue, the Roswell Fire Department as well as personnel from Wellstar Hospital, 9 classes have been held to teach citizens how to perform CPR and use an AED - with 160 people trained to date.

In addition, two of our club members have become Certified Instructors themselves and will be teaching classes to augment what can be provided by local public safety and fire departments. The Rotary Club of Johns Creek - North Fulton has started hosting classes within their city recently, which will further support our project impact, and we have scheduled classes with Sandy Springs Fire Department, which the The Rotary Club of Sandy Springs will help us promote.

In addition to the training of CPR and AED use for civilians, this grant is allowing us to increase the number of AED devices in our North Fulton Community. To date, we have placed 3 devices and have plans for another 5. The grant allows us to offset the cost of the AED device to the business owner with a small financial incentive. Citizen feedback on the Initiative has been overwhelmingly positive.

Posted by Steve Cory
February 1, 2025


Posted by Richard Matherly
Rotary Club of North Fulton
February 5, 2025 7:11am

Go Steve and marc. Save lives. 

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